Hi Aaron, grazing has the drawback that the
cattle with poach the soil and this may lead to premature clogging of the leachfield area as sediments wash down from surface level into the gravel. That's the theory anyway. I'm not sure how problematic it would be in practice. The guidelines in Ireland are for
lawn only.
Some options include:
Willows as a biomass crop - but the
roots will penetrate the pipes and block them over time so this is attractive, but not recommended if you want to keep using the leachfield for some time to come
This is a great use for an old decommissioned leachfield because it utilises the nutrients and cleans up the soil.
An orchard. Apples won't be as invasive as willow roots, and you get fruit as a yield. Of
course any fruit or nut
trees suitable to your climatic zone would most likely be suitable.
Perennial vegetable patch or flower garden or even a forest garden.
Are these any help to you as ideas?