Cole Taatjes wrote:That makes sense, but just so I understand, are the broiler chickens a different breed or are they just handled differently?
Thanks for the information so far. I'm new to researching this information and most of it I understand, but sometimes the unexplained details assumed as a given, throw me for a loop.
Another piece to understand: Laying hens will not start laying until they are somewhere from about 16 to 20 weeks old. The Cornish Cross (or Cornish x) Joel is raising for meat birds are being slaughtered by the time they are 12 weeks old. There are some other breeds specifically bred for meat that are somewhat slower growing, but hey will also be headed to the freezer by the time the laying hens are just about ready to start producing eggs.
Typical "dual-purpose" breeds are slow growing, but get to be pretty big eventually.
The chickens following the
cattle are important in breaking the cycle of pests and parasites. One of the reasons they scratchh up the cowpies is to get at the insect larvae growing in there. The fly lays its eggs, the hens eat the hatched larvae, the next generation of flies is greatly reduced in number.