Freakin' hippies and Squares, since 1986
Nicole Alderman wrote:Hmmm, that's a good point, Landon. Maybe I will just stick with the cinder blocks. They sure are convenient... and free! As for the trays, I'm pretty sure they are stainless steel, as they've been out in the elements for over a year with no sign of rust. Not that rust bothers me. It's just more iron in the soil, right? Or, is there something I don't know?
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Nicole Alderman wrote:Pictures!
Freakin' hippies and Squares, since 1986
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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elle sagenev wrote:I think it looks beautiful! I realize you're pretty done but I use a lot of "leaching" materials and we've decided to throw biochar in to help with any toxins that might get leached.
I live in Bizzaro World.
Clover Love wrote:My lovage patch grows thick and tall! Place accordingly.
Nicole Alderman wrote:
elle sagenev wrote:I think it looks beautiful! I realize you're pretty done but I use a lot of "leaching" materials and we've decided to throw biochar in to help with any toxins that might get leached.
Thank you! I will see if I can procure/make some biochar to help with the leeching. Thank you for the idea! Do you make your own biochar, and do you have any tips? Thanks again!
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A life worth living is one with no regrets.
A life worth living is one with no regrets.
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Julia Winter wrote:Thanks for having a link in your signature - that's how I found this!
Julia Winter wrote:Rosemary! Rosemary likes to be dry.
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My goal? To create a wildlife habitat on our surburban (almost rural) property using mostly California native plants and inspire others to do the same.
Also to learn how to grow some edibles - more than the herbs I have grown before.
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