Hello, all. I am yet another bokashi newb. I started my first bin this week, and I have some questions about how I can use the outputs. So the very basics: the juice you drain out of the bokashi is the tea, and it is supposed to be good for plants.
First string of questions:
Will this tea be good if I just started my bokashi and there is quite a lot of air space and probably aerobic decomposition in my bin?
How dilute does this need to be not to burn my plants (I am especially concerned about my recently sprouted seedlings)?
How do I know if the tea has gone bad?
After I've filled up my bin and a couple weeks have passed my food waste is supposed to be all fermented and I can bury it an plant in it, but I am wondering if I would use it to make a large batch of
compost tea from my little kitchen scraps bokashi bin.
Second string of questions:
Can I set up my bokashi compost with an an air pump in a big
bucket of
water and make a large batch of compost tea? (It would be logical that it wouldn't work because of the whole oxygen coming through the aerator, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.)
Is there another way to produce a higher quantity of compost tea from a bokashi? (Space availability is an issue)
Here's a little info I found on the subject