I have done that for years, just open compost heaps. I do not incorporate any meat products in the open heaps.
For meat scrap composting I use an above the ground, mounted on rollers tumbler bin. This keeps critters out very well.
My preferred size for open heap composting is 4'x4'x6' tall, this allows
enough material in one heap to make about a half a cubic
yard of finished compost.
I like to build one completely before starting another. The most heaps I've ever had working at one time is four.
I sometimes use
chicken wire to contain a heap, just depends on where I'm making it.
I don't turn my heaps, I just poke a long piece of pipe all over to get air in as they settle.
When you are doing open heaps, just take the food scraps (vegetative and egg shells only) and bury them in the center of the heap, Most animals aren't going to want to get to them there.
If you want to put meat scraps or bones into a compost heap, it's best to use a tumbler or sturdy enclosed type bin.
(a 55 gal barrel can be turned into an awesome tumbler, very easy to do)