What do P-folk use for the good-old common house fly?... and other notoriously sticky in-your-face- knats, flys, mosquitos etc. I have no animals currently, but the neighbor is loaning me his flies :~) from foul, dogs, pigs, sheep, etc.
~ Permaculture is enriching...Farming... is just scratching the surface ~
I don't actually know if it's supported by science but the locals where my grandparents live in the azores swear by hanging clear sandwich bags filled with water hanging from beams and rafters to scare flies away. Encouraging birds, bats, frogs, fish and spiders and things like that is supposed to help with keeping annoying insects down as well though.
Women Thoughts: Do I need to go POOLESS?... as Paul Wheaton calls it... My latest shampoo smells so good, it might be the reason. Iffn' I didn't have wind, the flies would be unbearable...
Good thing I didn't change cologne, what with the women and all...ha, ha.
Beer works on snails... Anybody leave their beer out last night?
~ Permaculture is enriching...Farming... is just scratching the surface ~
In Australia we use a plastic version of this which you fill to about 1" and it stays moist. I've been testing Balsamic vinegar on the bottom which works well and doesn't get as smelly as the baits. Good luck.
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