Lulu Lunn

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since Oct 29, 2019
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In Australia we use a plastic version of this which you fill to about 1" and it stays moist. I've been testing Balsamic vinegar on the bottom which works well and doesn't get as smelly as the baits. Good luck.
3 years ago
I use an orange oil product available in Australia. It is fabulous for getting off anything sticky.
3 years ago
I also love my quirky and sensible opp shop wardrobe but my odour problem is self inflicted. I work in a vineyard & although organic, we are pretty free with our use of sulphur & after 30+years I hate the smell. I use eucalyptus in my wash & wash my tractor clothes separately & use teatree in castille for scrubbing on my skin but it is ever present. I've tried soaking my work gear in napisan which I pour on my gum trees but would love to hear if anyone has a more friendly solution. Whilst not using sulphur is the obvious answer it isn't an option while I live & work in my chosen life. Happy for any suggestions.
5 years ago