Hello all!
I've been on a seemingly endless search and still come up with nothing
concrete about how to grow a zucchini plant - bush variety (Black Beauty to be precise) vertically.
Came across many people who said it couldn't be done, then many others who said it could and had actually been doing it - successfully - for years. I got to see a few photos but nobody has posted a clear step by step guide showing HOW it's actually trained upwards like it is.
Most people had planted their zucchini next to a heavy duty stake and proceeded to tie it up as it grew. I've now made a similar setup - I've got a thick bamboo cane right at the stem and made a circular 'cage' type
trellis surrounding my rapidly growing zucchini. However, the question is, what to actually do next? How is the zucchini tied onto the stake when there are so many tender new leaves coming out of the stem - am I meant to cut them off? There doesn't seem much space to tie it onto the support.
Thanks so much for any advice or tips in advance!