I have a couple of
volunteer Dioscorea (I am fairly sure*) growing in my garden. I have two thoughts:
Wow! An edible
perennial freebie!
Wow! A potentially poisonous invasive!
Perennial Vegetables indicates there are poisonous species. Since these are volunteers from who knows where, I want to proceed with caution. I also have hopniss (
Apios americana) growing nearby, and don't want competition.
Right now I am leaning toward snipping the one vine that came out of the soil (one in each of two places) while it is easy to deal with, and perhaps getting ahold of a known variety in the future.
Ideas? Clues? Resources?
*Update - embarrassment and relief - and I will carefully observe the veination in the future! While so many descriptions seemed to match this vine, when I looked at it closely with a friend, I finally noticed the veins of Dioscorea are quite different than the veins of this plant, which turns out to be Polyganum scandens - a
native vine, "false buckwheat.' Shew. No big decisions to be made. I will let it wander around the deck railing without worrying about it. It can get thick, but I am not concerned about it overtaking the
yard. It has wandered around the edges for several years now. Thanks all who considered my query.