Been doing anything with your honeybees this week?
Got any photos to share?
Stories to tell?
I checked about 30 hives today and added
honey supers to colonies that needed them, and took some away from those that didn't. Weeded around the entrances.
I changed my costume today... Usually I wear a pair of cowboy
boots, and stuff my pants down into the boots.
Bees climb upwards when they get on something, so it's a safe way to work them... Today, I wore a lace-up pair of boots, and pulled my socks up, and tucked the pant legs into the socks. BAD IDEA!!! About 7 bees stung me though my socks. My brother says that he is not responsible for bad language in the bee
yard. I left my working partner in the bee yard without so much as a by-your-leave, and ran off and took a couple of Benadryl tablets, and removed the stingers, then went back to work. Usually we carry Benadryl with us in the bee yard but, didn't have any today, cause it was supposed to be just pop the lid off and add honey supers.
There were a couple of colonies that didn't fill up the honey supers that we gave them a few weeks ago, so we opened them up to take a look. They were very ill-tempered. They get that way if they loose their queen. So we poked around looking for brood. Found old queen cells, but no sign of an active queen. They repaid us by attacking... These colonies might also have a bit of killer-bee genetics mixed up in them, since some of them are migratory colonies. That's a bonus because they do everything more aggressively, including collecting honey. Tough on the beekeepers though. There's a fine line between better performance and too much aggressiveness.
We found a new colony that had occupied a vacant hive by squeezing in through a tiny crack... We set them up more comfortably.
Later in the day I thought that I would weed the garden 100 feet away from the apiary. The bees were still cranky, so I went and worked in a different field.
My ankles sure are itchy tonight!!!