Hello everyone,
I live on a small homestead in southcentral Alaska, and I tried viewing my dense stands of Chenopodium alba (lambsquarters, goosefoot) as a blessing rather than a curse. I know that folks eat it as a green, but I've heard of its use as a small grain. I performed an experimental harvest yesterday, and 20 minutes work yielded about 1/2lb of seeds- not too bad for a first attempt! After several rinsings, I prepared the seeds like their Chenopod cousin Quinoa. No luck. After 15 minutes, then 30, then 60, the little seeds remain hard, crunchy, and slightly bitter.
Anyone have
experience with C. alba as a grain? If so, how do you prepare it!? My next attempt may involve a long soaking.
Also, if it's not exactly palatable for human use, how's its suitability for
chicken feed?
Kind regards.