Hi all,
I have this idea stuck in my head to build a global
permaculture directory, and I'd love some feedback to see if that's something that would be of interest to people here.
What I'm thinking of would be something along the lines of the Projects section of
Permaculture Global
http://permacultureglobal.org/projects, only (with all due respect) much better; i.e. mobile friendly, easier to use, better design, many more features, etc.
It would provide a place create a profile for yourself, your projects and/or your business and build content (like the /projects site). But it could also be extended to create and market events and classes, offer classified ads for people to sell/trade goods and services,
sell land, and most anything else you can think of.
I came up with this idea mainly because I've been learning about
permaculture and also planning to take a long trip through Latin America soon, and I want to try to visit as many
permaculture projects along the way as I can.
And, I just think it's a cool idea. But cool ideas are not exactly scarce, so before I get ahead of myself and put a bunch of work into building something there's not much interest in (been there, done that), I figured I'd run it by Permies.
I've been doing website development and SEO for years, so if there's interest in this, I'm willing to build, host and maintain it. I don't know a lot about permaculture yet, but I think it's definitely the future if we have one and I'd love to create something that would serve the community.
Thanks in advance for any feedback you might have.