I have access to about as much Easter Red Cedar sawdust as I could ever want, free for the taking, and I'm wondering how I might best put it to use. Currently we use it as the
carbon (and deodorizing) source in our composting toilet, and it gets spread around the milking parlor to sop up cow
urine and manure. But how, if at all, can I use it in the garden? I'm reluctant to use it as mulch, as I've heard that it can acidify the soil. Anybody know if this is true? Experiences? I also find the odor somewhat offensive when wet, and the last thing I need is another reason to visit the garden too infrequently. Perhaps if mixed with other sources it would be acceptable, but not if it's going to give me growing problems anyway. The allelopathic effect is somewhat debated. Again, anybody have any