posted 9 years ago
How herbs and spices enhance sexual life for women:
Cayenne pepper - searing spice to enhance blood flow. Vasodilator to stimulate the libido. Traditionally used not only by those who wish to lose weight, but also those who want to fill their sex life with bright colors. Pepper produces a natural feeling of well being and increases blood flow to the female genitals, making them more sensitive.
Cinnamon is one of the most famous herbal enhancers of sexual desire, stimulates blood circulation and increases body temperature. Do not forget to read aboutcontraindications cinnamon and see weight loss recipes with cinnamon. Also, I wrote in these articles how to forget about flatulence forever. Read and apply.
Celery - exclusively female natural pathogen.Because of its components from the celery odor similar to the smell of male sweat that makes a woman sensitive receptors are activated by pheromones. Be sure to read about how you can use celery to the figures.
Ginseng is used in alternative medicine for over a thousand years. This natural aphrodisiac increases the desire of partners in bed. Who said that fatigue obstacle proximity? Take a few drops and weariness will evaporate.
Damiana has traditionally been used to treat frigidity in women, as well as impotence and premature ejaculation in men. It is considered a tonic for the reproductive organs of both sexes.
Angelica enhances the intimate desire in women, increases the feeling of satisfaction and joy. It also helps the body cope with stress, reduce fatigue, refreshes the intimate power, which is especially important for women in menopause.
Melissa used as an antidepressant and tonic for the reproductive system. The plant helps to restore strength and increases the sensitivity of the genitals.
Source Full Article: medicinal herbs