If my fire insurance guy is happy with the basic fire place now .. which I am not changing .. and there would be a cooler exit out of the mass .. very low compared to 400 degrees now .. less
carbon build up .. I'll burn hotter fires .. less burn time .. half the
wood .. I think he and I .. will be whistling Dixie.
As stated .. a five inch
concrete floor with rebar set with small squares. We could drive a tank over my floors.
I have ordered my book yesterday on the Rocket Mass Fireplace .. but I'm going to look at what material for the short tube to hold the rough wood and some could tree limbs or
fence posts, old potato cellar wood .. .. fire brick base and then for the riser with the heat.
We are now talking a different fireplace from the above which would be a free standing fire place with the flu running through one or two tons of
Six in and Six out - I will want the wood tube .. after it is filled with wood, to have the same number of square inches of free draft as the six inch round flu pipe leaving the cob mass. Balance. Not my idea .. expressed elsewhere.
All hot gases running through either fire place above would need to impart the scrubbing action of narrow channels .. not the "up the center" action going on in all six inch round metal flu pipe .. or worse yet .. a three foot round used barrel.
LEARNED WHILE IRRIGATING - in a ditch running
water .. when it comes to a culvert .. you can only run half the volume of water into the round metal culvert if you do not put a tapered larger pipe in front to guide the water in?
I'm thinking gases are not too dissimilar.
I will use the "counter flow" design .. a term not talked too much about here but
should be adopted as everyone else uses it .. and would need to have a lot of cob mass above the barrel / counter flow .. for the free standing existing fire place cob mass .. but not critical in a "butt warming" extremely long type mass.
Three in the A.M. .. my neighbor cut beans tonight .. he raised a cross between great northern and pinks and cut them dried and with dew on them so they will not bust and scatter beans on the ground .. kept me awake and he went home .. I'll go to bed. See you on the flip flop.