Good article Kevin.
In my experience it is the "moguls" that fund the scientific community that do the abuse and misuse.
The biggest problem I have with fellow scientist is that they seem to never think beyond the narrow specifics of their research and see the obvious. (blinders on syndrome)
If they do, then they turn the blind eye of the researcher towards the wishes of the corporate moguls agenda. (this is a great discovery, no one will use it as a weapon though process)
This actually happens far too often, the Nuclear age was started out as an investigation of how atoms work, it turned into the atomic bomb almost instantly once the ability of splitting atoms was developed.
Scientist have to always put the notion of
Greed before their work, but since they don't we get all manner of abominations because of their failure to know and understand "human nature".
It has always been about making money, no matter the idea, if someone can't see a way for the idea to end up making money, there will be no funds for research.
Scientist are also under the gun in the academic world since there it is publish or perish.
No University is going to keep you on if you don't produce something for them to use to further the Universities reputation.
The real problem is humans, there is a vicious cycle of though that humans are allowed to use up resources and in the process destroy the very thing that allows them to have life.
Sadly they will never learn that what you use today, you have stolen from your grand children or their grand children.
This realization will only come to their minds as the species takes its last breaths just before becoming extinct like the many plants and animals that were here but are no longer because of human actions.