There is a particularly pernicious goat in our pasture that has a knack for trouble. She won't breed (not can't, Won't) after 5 years of trying, she is the most clever escape artist you've ever met, she persistently attacks any child that comes near her
fence line, and she has a talent for locating and destroying even well hidden extension cords within her enclosure. I'd eat her, honestly, if she wasn't my elderly grandmother's dearest pet. Most of it I can work around, but when it's below freezing outside and our nearest unfrozen
water source is my kitchen sink more than an acre away, I could use those nice water
heaters I've got. So my question is this; How do YOU protect your power cords from goats like this holy terror? Or am I doomed to pack water all winter, one 2gal
bucket at a time, half a dozen times each day, to keep my
chickens watered?