I live in canada in south-eastern ontario. On the several acres where I live there are already 3,4 or more types of wild fruit almost thriving/ already
native to the area.
On the property there is a large fruit producing wild
apple tree (not sure what type, they grow small red bitter apples), there are thriving raspberry bushes, a few blackberry bushes, the odd wild strawberry, and this area is known for wild buleberries, but idk if there are any here on the property where I reside.
I want to be able to "live off the land" so to speak, and save on grovery bills also. I'm interested in these forest garden ideas, or a prepper-style stealth garden. You can walk through the property and not know there is an abundace of wild edible food. I would like to be able to harvest some of this and possibly plant more varieties of plants that can provide sustinance and further sustainabliity, like some sort of perrenials or something that comes back every year, winter can be harsh here.
Any ideas for more canadian hearty varieties or native wild plants that might work for me? I grew some heirloom tomatoes last summer for experiment and they thrived as well, but the raspberries and apples are hand because they don't need to be planted every year.