While I think that the potential is there for a system like that to produce well, I can't see it from what they've got going and the amount of time they've been there. If they'd been working with that set-up for several years, I'd be more inclined to believe their claims of it feeding them.
In the pictures I saw, their
chickens appeared to only be half-grown, yet they were claiming that they were getting eight eggs a day -- from eight young pullets. I don't think so. In prime lay, those eight pullets will probably produce six or seven eggs a day, if they are well fed.
And yes, the water does look brackish -- I wondered what they had in there for fish. And how long does it take for the fish to grow big
enough to eat? Again, when the
video was made (at least the one I saw) they'd been in that house less than a year.