Nice video!
My deepest, darkest secret is that I really love self-help and inspirational
books. I know. Quirky, right?
It's not that I want to become rich, or find sneaky ways of making people like me. It's more that I see these as success road maps for life - like starting a community group, creating a helpful product, improving your diet or simply doing more of what you love.
If you take the ideas from something like How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie, and aggressively apply the techniques to any good
project that you want to pursue, you will find a way to be successful. But you have to be serious about it. No flaking out.
What a lot of these techniques boil down to is the fact that
intentions and perceptions are real things. Believing in your intentions and creating perceptions around them is a very effective way to change reality for the better. History is full of examples of people who decided they were going to do something that everyone said was impossible. How do you think
Geoff Lawton got started? by force of will and confidence in his goals! One example from my own life was the intention to reduce my "job" to 2 days per week. This was 10 years ago at the age of 38. My wife told me I was crazy. My friends said it couldn't be done. So I politely ignored them and advertised myself on Craig's List. It took 6 months to find the right opportunity (there were several crap jobs to do while I waited) but I eventually doubled my salary, got full benefits, and cut my working days by more than half. Every time someone complains that they work too much or don't like their job, I tell them this story. They always say "yeah, that worked for you but it would never work for me". If I wanted to be annoying I would list five or six other "impossible" projects that I've completed. Instead I simply ignore the negativity and get on with my current project.
If you have dreams, read books about making your dreams into realities - then follow the suggestions. If you believe in your dreams, you can make them happen.
Work smart. Work hard. Work at what you love.