It wouldn't really work to rough up the polished side, even being tumbled against other stones, you'd probably burn out the motor first.
You'd be better off just taking something like a disc grinder to score the finished side, or a belt grinder/sander to take off the polished finish.
Using it as flooring might make sense in that it's free, but it's not really appropriate, and can lead to heating issues.
I'd use it to make a foundation wall tho, laid out brick like, to make one of those bottom-stone, top
wood facades. You could bring the stone up as far as the window sill height, and then continue the rest of the way up with cordwood.
But if you can get
enough of the large sizes, why bother with the cordwood at all? Besides the labour.
As for rain catchment on your roof, just about anything would work for that. What's the key would be the gutter system that you put up. Tho using a smooth metal or plastic surface would be recommended, instead of a asphalt or cedar shake roof, etc.