posted 8 years ago
Little greenhouses like that can be REALLY effective at heating up when in direct sunlight.
The cuttings I did in my little greenhouse seemed to tolerate the early spring temps approaching 90F for brief periods. These were kept shaded within the greenhouse, though. This may be higher than optimal, certainly my success rate wasn't terribly high. I can't claim to be an adept with cuttings just yet; I've propagated dozens of cuttings successfully, but I'd really like to achieve a higher success rate. A misting bed is on the menu, but not this year it seems!
I've done cuttings inside, sometimes on a heatmat(good success), and outside. Outside, I've done them in plastic-covered totes in a shady area(lowest success), in totes in a shed(next lowest) and in my greenhouse as soon as it was done(much better). In each case the tote acted as a mini-greenhouse for smaller containers with moist media(perlite, vermiculite, sand...). Inside and in the greenhouse I also used containers outside of totes, with a bag overtop to provide some humidity.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins