Felix Mueller wrote:With the possibility of an US president Bernie Sanders on the horizon I think we should use his openness towards real solutions and suggest some experts on carbon farming and regenerative agriculture to help with policy proposals on his team.
Anyone from the US here with ideas how to get this done? And who would be best qualified for this?
Eric Toensmeier, Mark Shepard, ......?
I agree too. At this point, of all the candidates, he appears to be the "greenest". I suspect there is a large number of ecologists amongst Bernie supporters. Often the folks I meet at Farmers'markets wear or like my Bernie shirts (all made in the USA from Union labor).
It might be as simple as contacting the Sanders campaign and explaining what we are all about. Here (Central sands of Wisconsin, but also many other areas of the State), we are fighting very hard also to prevent new introductions of Confined Animal Feeding Operations that are a real threat to the quality of our
Quantity and quality of water is seriously endangered by all the -icides necessary to grow GMO crops and also High Capacity
wells that suck the water from under our very feet: since we are in sand, the cone of depression extends farther than it might in heavier soils: Water travels quite fast laterally as well as vertically in sandy soils, and many of our lakes are suffering from excessive draw downs and algae.Our Governor (Scott Walker) is pulling all stops to favorize mega farms, and it is very hurtful to small and organic farmers.
There is a definite Green Party flavor in this year's election, which is favoring Bernie, not Hillary and none of the others either.