Many of you probably know about this site, but for those that do not, it allows you to measure distances and areas in conjunction with Google Maps.
I have been laying out my main logging trails for my woodlot and plotting my stream crossings for my Forest Management Plan; and it has been a dream. I can plot my way through the woods and get real world distances, not to mention measuring acreages and what not. It really is a dream planning tool because if I plan on fencing in one of my fields, I can plot its points and come up with how many rolls of wire and how many
fence posts it will take. On main logging trails I can jockey around problem areas and put my trails where I can get to the most out of each linear foot of road so I am not using up good forest by having it be a wasteful trail. I have even tossed in acreage measurements to see what we would have if we cleared this section of forest back into field, or this one, or that. I am not saying I will do all of that, but it allows for real data on different scenarios; in other words a real good planning tool.
Just thought I would share...