Just for interest, I took a few photos this morning.
This is my couve galega, or portuguese kale, flowering. It will live for several years if the flowers are removed, so it's nearly perennial.
And this is some red russian kale, which was grown in a row interspersed with galega.
I was hoping to give them all minimal care so that only the best adapted plants survived. I duly lost over 75% of the red russian kale, but none of the home-bred galega. Then I wanted them both to flower at the same time in the hope that they would cross. I understand that my hope is likely to be in vain, but they did flower at the same time.
I intend to save seed from these and grow them out. At worst, I
should have a locally adapted strain of red russian kale. At best, just maybe one or two seeds will be crossed with the galega and I might be able to get a perennial red russian. I'll let you know what happens.