I have to admit, I'm not very courageous when it comes to dyeing. (I got the spelling right? Dye - ing, as in making things colourful?)
There is, however, a lovely large patch of stinging
nettles at my place. We've eaten about all we can manage, and given away all the u-pick
nettles we can. Some of these nettles will go into
compost tea.
But what to do with the other 50 square feet of nettles?
I would like to dye some cloth.
I just don't have the knack with google today, so I'm wondering if anyone out there knows some good tutorials for dyeing cloth with fresh stinging nettles? I would like to cotton and perhaps some wool. Wool, I think, does not need a mordant with nettles, but what about cotton? Cotton and wool usually have very different methods for natural dyeing, and I'm not certain how to translate a wool recipe into cotton cloth.
Any thoughts?