Hi. I'm Cybilopsin. This is my first post. If I seem a little hurried, it's probably true. I'm in a rush, I'm frustrated, and I'm confused. What else is new.
I'm not going to waste time going over the whole history of how I ended up installing my garden in this particular way. My questions are pretty straightforward. I really need folks with
gardening experience to help me out here. I have no
gardening experience, although I have took a
PDC a couple of years ago.
First, seeds.
Is it too late, now (May 26th) to direct-sow seeds outdoors?
Here are some examples of the seeds that I'm trying to start:
Mitsuba (Cryptotaenia japonica),
Garden Sorrel (Rumex),
Stinging nettle (Urtica)
a few species of Chenopodium (lambsquarters, etc.),
Miner's Lettuce (Mintia),
Giant Turkish Plantain (Plantago major),
Chickweed (Stellaria),
High Mallow (Malva sylvestris),
Lemon Balm (Melissa),
Burdock (Arcticum lappa),
Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata),
White clover
None of these species need cold stratification to germinate - I chose them because I though I had a reasonable chance of growing them out this year - but now things are getting a little late in the season for me to feel so confident. They are all self-seeding annuals or perennials. They have been matched to the appropriate levels of light. The directions for sowing them will be followed scrupulously: scarifying if necessary, tamping into soil, barely covering if called for, and given consistent moisture. Basically whatever the seed packet says. They won't lack for care and attention.
I'm in zone 6a (near Boston). Daily
irrigation by sprinkler is available. The soil in this site is somewhat moist.
Another related question is whether any of these seeds can also be sown in the fall (say September) as a fall crop.
By the way, food production is not the main goal right now, although most of the above listed species are edible. The point is to get the garden started, begin generating some biomass, and get the living plants in place for a really successful spring next year.
Second question.
Is it ok to sow these seeds directly into pure compost on top of sheet mulch? Ok, its not really sheet mulch, I guess, but I don't know what to call it so we're just going to call it sheet mulch.
The reason I want to grow into sheet mulch is that the area of the new garden is currently a grass
lawn, and it also contains many
roots of mature
trees, including Norway maple (a notorious water hog with fine, shallow, aggressive roots). Instead of having to laboriously remove the sod and have to fret about the tree roots making life hard for my seedlings, I decided to simply create a barrier of
cardboard on top of the sod, and put compost on top of that, then sow the seeds directly into the compost.
The final recipe for the sheet mulch looks like this: (layers are from the top to the bottom)
(0.) Mulch, which will not be added until the seedlings are a reasonable size.
1. Thin layer of compost mixed with coconut coir for seeds to germinate in.
2. 6" or so of compost. All my compost comes from the local transfer station, where it is is made by the ton out of yard waste. It was "hot composted".
3. an inch or two of wood chips, also form the transfer station. All kinds of wood, different sizes, twigs, etc.
4. Cardboard or sheet layer (to create a temporary barrier against tree roots).
5. Sod from the old lawn, undisturbed.
6. Original topsoil, including nasty water-hogging tree roots. It appears to be a sandy loam, with some organic matter.
Can someone please confirm that my seeds will be able to germinate and grow in this. Up here in Massachusetts, cardboard does not decay so fast. The plants roots will probably not be able to penetrate down below the cardboard layer until next year, so for now, they only have whatever is on top of the cardboard to grow in. Am I crazy for trying to do it this way?
In the fall I will also be sowing seeds of species that need cold stratification such as
Smilacina and
Polygonatum biflorum, plants which will in future years become the basis for a shadier woodland garden as the new trees and shrubs mature.
Any thoughts or questions about any aspect of my plan are welcome. I really need someone with more experience to weigh in here; I'm feeling discouraged because I wasn't permitted to do work on this garden earlier in the spring and now I feel like summer is practically here and I'm hoping I don't have to wait until the fall to plant anything. Just generally feeling very unconfident right now about what I'm doing. All this sheet mulching is a lot of work since I have to bring the compost myself from th transfer station using nothing but a minivan and a shovel. I hope it's not a waste of time.
Thanks so much for reading! I'm really glad to be here.