I may go electric in the future, but as it is, I'm starting off with
cattle panels. If I used 4 16' panels for a 256 sq. ft. paddock, how often would I need to rotate to new forage for 8
chickens? We have
lots of clover and dandelions, centipede, st. Augustine, and crabgrass, as well as some other weeds I don't know the names of. I'll use supplemental
feed at night in their hoop coop for which I just bit the bullet and bought the materials. Hardware cloth
city, here I come! I was thinking if I put it in the corner of the paddock, I only have to move it one coop-width every rotation, and just change its orientation within the paddock. I was also thinking if I worked in a square of squares, I could change the big square after one full rotation, and march that way across our whole
yard. It's about 2/3 ac. back there. Comments or suggestions?