I discovered Sea-90 two years ago, got in touch with the company and have been using it ever since.
Sea-90 contains approximately 95 minerals and it takes only a half cup per tree if you are using it as an amendment.
This stuff is great, no longer do I have any defects in my soil mineral wise, fruits taste is so much better.
I use it on all our vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, grape vines and even give it as a free choice supplement to our hogs.
I spread it, mixed with the pasture seeds when I add things to the pastures, the hogs go for those areas first so now I always mix a half cup with new seed and broadcast the mix.
When I make a new
garden bed I sprinkle a cup full all over the soil.
You can even treat whole fields or entire pastures for improved nutrition and palatability.
The dog's water gets a half teaspoon per 5 gal. they love it and do much better in the heat now.
We even use it in the kitchen and on the table.
It really isn't as expensive as you might think, when you start writing down all the ways you can use it.
You can even drink this stuff for a body