I collected microorganisms with cooked rice inside jars with holes in the lid and a napkin between the jar and the lid to seal those holes and keep bigger organisms away. They were green, blue, yellow, after 1 week. I mixed the moldy rice with more or less the same weight of brown sugar and saved it in the same jars with the same napkin strategy (new napkin). After 2 weeks, it's like a honey-color paste/liquid with a blue/green mold cover on top.
Is that how it
should look like? The procedure now is simply to mix it with 20x more
water and spread it in the garden? Are there references that you can share that can help me assure that the results are being as it's supposed to?
I have being carrying forest top soil and use it when transplanting, so I can slowly enrich the soil with that new dirt and forest microorganisms. But there is a part of the garden that used to be dig regularly and now, a few months later, even with plenty of mulch on top, things aren't growing as well as in other parts of the garden. I was hopping that this EM's strategy could speed up the recovery. Just sharing the motivation behind this.
Thank you for ay feedback you can share.
Espinho, Portugal