I tried putting fish into the tank in 2000. Turned out to be more work than it was worth. The fish added nutrients into the water which plants loved.
I now just throw vitamin C tablets into the water. My largest water trough is about 400 gallons, and it only takes about 3-4 1000mg tablets. I saw a
video on YouTube that mentioned adding lemonade Koolaide to the water to kill off mosquitoes. I didn't want to add that to my goat's diet however. I had the Vet out for annual rabies and mentioned it to her. She said the active ingredient that did the killing was Vitamin C in the KoolAide. So now I just throw that in.
As far as keeping it clean, I have found that keeping the tanks sun-free seems to work the best. It also helps if you don't own a horse that has taught all your other critters to dunk
hay prior to eating it. Sigh, unfortunately, all my critters are hay dippers now. Between hay dipping and the fact that my critters take particular delight in pooping in my water trough, I have resigned myself to dumping and cleaning my troughs as needed. Which is about once a week. In the summer I siphon a hose to my garden. In the winter when all the water troughs are in the barn, it is an unavoidable waste of water.