I have some odd black granular debris that I have NO clue about. Might be bugs? Moderators please move this if you have better guesses than I do
I clipped some tent caterpillar infested branch ends off yesterday, left them on the ground overnight. A few got tossed onto a sheet of plastic. When I picked up the branches this morning, on the plastic was a LOT of black granular stuff. Little bitty pieces, all about the same size, mostly just kind of in little drifts, one area probably 2 tablespoons full in a pile. The tree this was under is a walnut. Not knowing what it was, I put the plastic in the trash, but failed to take a picture.
My theories run the gauntlet of tree droppings, bug droppings, bug eggs, tent worm eggs, wasp
poop etc. No really solid guesses. What IS this? I assume it was on the ground too and I just didn't see it.
Thank you for any help on this, I hate not knowing if I
should be freaked out or not