I actually did something like this about two and a half weeks ago (I'm in the Puget Sound area, so less hot and more drizzly than you.). Our grass was tall (6-8 inches) and green, but we had a
bindweed problem so we planted buckwheat in hopes it will inhibit the bindweed. ANYWAY, we laid down the buckwheat seed, mowed the lawn so the clippings fell over the buckwheat, put down a little more buckwheat seed for insurance (my husband wanted to), and then sprinkled some duck bedding over it (not very thick, and many areas didn't get any). We kind of watered twice, and we planted it during the last heatwave that was here (and then we had a few rainy days, and now it's hot/dry again). Almost all of the buckwheat sprouted and is growing happily. The stuff that got more grass clippings is happier, and there are patches where there's no buckwheat, probably because it got no coverage.
I'd say go for it! If you can give it a watering or two during these next hot days just to get it established, that
should help. And, the more clippings or other organic matter you can get over it the better. But, you should get some growth, one way or another. Aerating shouldn't be necessary at all, but getting some sort of matter even thinly over the seeds should help a ton.
I hope that helps! Good luck!