Ok so he wasn't exactly dropped. The farmer who brought my Tamworth her new boyfriend tonight also had with him a week old
beef calf. My husband was handling the transaction because I do not speak french yet lol. Anyhoo, before I knew it I was holding our 18 month old son in one hand and a rope attached to a calf in the other! Granted we don't even have a shed built yet but this is beside the point as he is resting comfortably on our side porch (the calf not the baby). I didn't have
milk to give him tonight but I did have powdered baby formula. I mixed 3 liters with 2 eggs beaten in and he gratefully guzzled it down out of a
bucket from between my knees while sucking on my fingers. Will the formula hurt him? Does it have too much sugar? I also gave him a full bucket a
water in his "pen". What
should we get him in the morning? I read a little about concentrate. I am currently on the look out for scours. We are newbies trying to do our best. We will get a weigh in on him in the morning. He looks awful skinny to me. I only have had
experience with
dairy cows. Please help. Thanks so much.