Hey Permies !
On a Recent visit out to
Wheaton labs... Jocelyn and I had a conversation about the world through the eyes of the
bees ! It's very interesting to look at how pretty a flower can be, and all of it's pattern's, then try to picture what it looks like with ultraviolet vision ! The flowers tend to paint a bullseye for the
bees, guiding them directly into the center of the flower for the nectar and pollen. Man it sure would be pretty sweet to turn on our own vision of ultraviolet for a few minutes to see it this way!
Anyyyways... I'm kinda just starting this topic to see if anyone else has a really cool reference on pretty flowers that look totally different through the eyes of the bees ! Here are some Very informative videos that shows this, along with more epic bee info.. If anyone has more visuals on this please share !!!
Thanks for looking