Well, we'll get rid of our oldest
chickens next year. We only have 1 that sets, so we have to incubate her eggs. I think she's a Rhode Island Red. She's a good mother but is not as fussy with ppl as most broody hens are. The Austolorp will go too. She set once, but after surviving a dog attack, she never sat again. She has since been an "auntie". She keeps Red company while she sets and helps watch the chicks when they're older. I'll miss them both, but 7 is old for a
chicken. The rooster's the same age and is starting to get fussy with the hens. He's gone. I may keep his daughter for another year, but his granddaughter/daughter will go. She's what I call a half-assed setter; she only sets long
enough to ruin eggs and I usually have problems getting her to lay again. I may just hang onto Red for another year to be sure I get a good broody. I'm not as good at raising chicks as they are.