It's Winter (well, if you're in the northern hemisphere it is), what are you up to? How goes the weather and your garden?
We've just had our first proper frost. The greenhouse-within-a-greenhouse-within-a-etc holding the chilli and citrus plants for overwintering is working so far. It isn't really warm
enough for the chillis and they're not looking very happy, but they were only an experiment. The citrus were what I was concerned about, and they look fine.
chicken water keeps freezing and I end up running backwards and forwards with kettles of
hot water to defrost it. I shall spend some time this weekend insulating it, we don't get very cold here so hopefully that will do. Also the rats have moved in and are eating my chook
feed, so I've been battling them. I lock the
chickens in the coop overnight and open the run up- the resident cats then prowl the run, rather than the rats having free reign whilst the cats are stuck outside.
Been doing lots of cooking for the christmas hampers (everyone gets hampers of mostly-handmade food from us), this year I've made bacon jam, squash and
apple chutney and have been practicing french macarons and marshmallows. Been making
soap as well, again mostly for gifts.
Garden wise everything is soaking wet and muddy. We've eaten most of it now (I didn't grow much this year, my Partner hasn't been well so rather than planting I was running him to and from hospitals), lots of squash in the pantry but we don't have any winter greens this year.
Lots of things I
should be doing, the house still cools down too fast and I need to work out how to get more insulation in somewhere. There's some cold spots in the sloped roof that need dealing with. The leaking roof could also do with fixing.