Hello - I am looking at purchasing an investment property. The property is large, has a decent amount of topography and forest, a spring and seasonal creek. The site also has income producing property on it and a variety of other outbuildings. I've been interested in
Permaculture for a long time and think that the site has a lot of potential.
What I am curious to know is whether or not there might be an interest out there by an individual, couple or family to essentially oversee the property and also begin establishing a
permaculture site. I would be looking for someone to manage all aspects of the income properties and also begin to start designing the site. In exchange I was thinking of providing free housing in addition to a monthly salary which would be dependent on skill set and ability. Ideally, someone would have maintenance and construction
experience as well as property management experience. Eventually, I could foresee establishing additional homesites that could be permanent in nature. I would also provide investment capital for establishing the site.
The vision is much greater than that, but this is just a quick summary to see if perhaps this type of arrangement would be interesting to someone. i always see that people are looking for
land and opportunities to establish something and I thought maybe this might be a win win opportunity.
Let me know your thoughts.