So we have 25
chickens rolling in an Ussery-style A frame
tractor around our paddocks. Until Christmas we were getting about 15 eggs a day, even with the short days. After the holiday, we're down to maybe 7 eggs per day
There are fake eggs in each nest box (3 boxes in the tractor)
Each bird is getting about 0.3 - 0.4lb of
feed a day in addition to scraps (probably every other day). They have free choice grit and oyster shell.
Three Americaunas aren't laying at all and haven't for a couple months.
Breed breakdown:
3 Americauna
2 Buff Orpington
9 Rhode Island Reds
11 New Hampshire Reds
We had a cold snap into the single digits, but the egg laying had dropped between Christmas and New Years (2 weeks before the single digits).
22911 Zip code for historic weather.
Any suggestions? We had consistent laying through last winter with our older RIRs (~4 yrs old all of whom were taken by predators this summer).
How do you all handle egg subscribers through the winter with a precipitous laying drop?