Hello all, I am hoping to get assistance in verifying the identities of the various wildflower and plants that are thriving on my property in the Blackland Prairies ecosystem of Texas. In the interests of centralizing my future ID requests, I am going to keep adding my ID requests to the end of this
thread as I find them; this
should allow anyone in my area to reference this thread for all their plant ID needs (at least hopefully, as info is added over time by knowledgeable folks). I also intend to include a post-ID information dump for each plant, showing what uses the plant has, how it should be planted, likes/dislikes etc. so that I and others can refer back when planning out our wild gardens.
First up, a plant that is all over my
land, and that I really hoped was some variety of Comfrey. I'm certain after doing some research that it is not, but I can't positively ID it based on web searches - I'm leaning towards a
Milkweed variety, but the stem coloration and leaf arrangement (particularly the veins that all seem to run lengthwise from the base) are throwing me off. It would
be nice if it was a
Wild Quinine, but the leaves are not serrated. No plants have flowered yet, so I took pictures of the 5-pointed buds for now. I'll update if they bloom before this is resolved.