any time you disturb soil, you are allowing dormant seeds the chance to sprout. That isn't an issue just what happens.
Lots of "weeds" will regrow from the
roots, some even the smallest bit of
root, so again that is just what happens.
"Weeds" are going to survive, what you want to do is take as much of their chance of growing away as possible.
Since you mention that this land was a long time soy field, I can almost guarantee that you are dealing with dirt instead of soil.
If you till dirt, you end up with dirt. If you till soil you can also end up with dirt.
Dirt is minerals, Soil is living, chock full of bacteria, fungi, amoeba, nematodes, and many other life forms, they are the "Biota" the life that we want to grow things in since these organisms are what make those minerals available to plant roots.
To build dirt into soil you have to bring life to it, organic matter is how you do that, the better the organic matter, the more life you bring.
It can be tilled in or it can be allowed to work from top to bottom under its own power.
Lots of different methods to reach the same end point, our job is to observe first then hope we make the best decision and either way it goes, we must learn from the actions we take.