To reduce the Johnson grass you can over-seed with several different grasses such as Bermuda, short fescues and blue grass. You can use these together as a mix or you can pick the one you want and use it singly.
To really choke the Johnson grass you will want to first cut the lawn very short (3/4" or 1/2") then heavily spread the new grass seed and keep the soil moist for a week to get good germination.
Once the first seeding has been up and growing for a week, spread a second heavy spread of grass seed and again keep the soil moist for a week for germination.
Now it's time to let the new grasses grow to around 3 inches then cut it to 2.5 inches.
should have
enough density to start choking out the Johnson grass and the new grass will feel nice and soft underfoot.
Once it is well established you can cut at 3" height to keep the Johnson grass shaded and that will help reduce the amount even more.
The alternative is to use a good old-fashioned crab grass digger to manually remove each
root system.