I'm slowly putting a food forest together on three acres with not much other than grass.
When I first learned about
Permaculture I purchased
Bill Mollison's Book, "Permaculture A Designers Manua,l" the book is basically an encyclopedia. A great reference book but tough to get started with.
I found Toby Hemenway's
Gaia's Garden " A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture." and I started planting within a week. This is my favorite book and it really simplified the process of thinking about small-scale
permaculture. He talks about Trios or planting nitrogen fixers and food trees in clusters. This really simplified getting started.
I have overplanted nitrogen fixers; black locust,
honey locust, willows, Siberian
Pea Shrubs etc.. I plan on using them for biomass, to improve soil, and to do some building projects. I planted 40 willow trees for a windbreak, privacy, basketry,
root starter, and biomass. All of these nitrogen fixers can be heavily coppiced so you have your biomass or mulching material right there next to the edible.
Mark mentioned the Permaculture Orchard created by Stefan Sobkowiak a Canadian orchard owner. Check out this video if you want to get an idea of the concept.
You can purchase Stefan's movie on this site somewhere. I got a lot out of it, and I enjoyed it.