This year was very interesting, I got a bean I didn't plant.
I'm growing
hutterite soup bean that I got from the seed library a few years back. I've grown a small amount, saved the seeds, bulked up my supply and this year planted a large patch where no bean has ever grown before.
Every bean planted was yellow. Not every bean harvested was.
The beans on the left were
black turtle beans I grew last year. They were a very prolific black bean that produced 8 to 10 small, flattish beans per pod, about 50 to 100 pods per bush.
The middle bean is the new black bean that suddenly showed up in my processing.
The right-hand bean is the Hutterite soup bean that they
should be.
This year's black bean is bigger and rounder than last years. It looks nothing like any black bean I grew before.
The Hutterite beans have about 6 per pod and not every pod is full. The black bean has an average of 8 per pod.
If I planted only yellow beans and if no beans had been grown in that ground before (it was raspberries until this year), and I have a black bean... does this mean, my black bean is a cross?
Last year, I grew many different beans near each other, but this year I opted to plant just the yellow that I had grown near-ish to the big mixed patch.