So finally used google earth to give me a better idea on 1 foot elevation differences on my land due to not really finding much on topographic maps and such due to most only showing two marks on 10 foot elevation differences. My land from NE to SE on top of the draw only falls about 12 ft in total and doing this showed be why part of my
trees were larger then most just how the pooling of
water was just before them and the fact that it seemed my SE neighbor had made like a 2 ft
berm to control water onto his land at some point. This also gives me a better idea on where to place the ponds and water ways that I want better then what I had did so in my past trying to place by what I seen. I can see that observations were close but also that i can route water closer to ideal now after seeing how close I was. Still now the major work that I have to deal with is the caliche ridden land.