Lori. Yes glyphosate I believe says what it does with its name. Gly- sugar pho-phosphorus sat-saturation. I know of no other that uses a sugar to have the plant cells absorb the posion. It also is a registered potent antibiotic because of splicing the seeds with bacteria. The antibiotic sprayed on their seeds causes the seed to grow. (I have put this in very simple terms here).
They too I hope did not realize the product causes destruction of cell surface sugars and again this is a simple way but for instance autistic children are all massively difficient of them. They are now bringing children out by first starting with forms of glycans. I know sugar is one (organic) but there are 9 more and if missing well the body cannot detox the bad or absorb the good.
Now it would be great to already have a way to test plants for all the glycans but really I think it has to do with the moisture and taste for now.
As for raw milk I can't say enough good as not even mushrooms have all the glycans as far as I can find studies. Also look for farmers selling raw milk to use on
land to regenerate as right now they are using for the n-glycans.
I can say with certainty that cancer Alzheimer's and autism will be things of the past as this
permaculture is developed in science. We are all little batteries and fulvic can light a
light bulb. I saw it online in test from another company not the one I am testing.