yeah I've been going through the same thing, redigging and enlarging a large pond..the rain makes it clay we still have clay piles around it but it generally will clear in a day or two.
I just ordered some new plants for mine from found they had the best prices so far.
i still have a lot of
water lilies and in the shallows cattails and some other plants,but the newly enlarged and dug areas are bare clay bottoms..and can't really put in more fish (just have a few hundred goldfish right now that are happy but want people food fish)..until i get more plants growing for them for oxygen and food.
I have been planting around my is hard to remember that your pond banks may be very dry, so close to water you would think they wouldn't be, but they you have to think dry in most of your bank situations..
plant your tenders on the north side so they get advantages of the refleciton of the sun and get the added heat from the water in the cold weather..if you have cold winters where you are.
you can plant things a zone colder by the water that way..also if you ahve a warm bank on the north it makes a wonderful area to garden, esp fruit trees..I have an apricot on my north bank and on the west i have apples, pears and cherries where it slopes slightly toward the pond..but they don't really get much advantage from it like the north does.
will add more plants now that most of the construction work is done..but the southern areas of my pond really has a lot of work yet to be done on the bankis esp..
in my blog below if you go to the pond pages # 2 you will see my pond this week after a lot of redigging can't see much of the plantings as most of them aren't growing for this season yet (it is still freezing here at nights)