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Ian Petrie wrote:Would they dig through snow to eat them if I left the tops as guides?
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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
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My garden has pasture all the way around it. So I toss the tops over the fence as I harvest. The cull taters I put in dog food bags and feed 1/2 pound per sheep a couple times a week until gone.Ian Petrie wrote:Thanks for all the information, everyone. Kris and Joseph, how would you present the root veggies to the sheep? Would it be just a field of the veggies, or would it be seeded in a mixed pasture?
Ian Petrie wrote:I was wondering if anyone has any experience in feeding sheep sugar beets, fodder radish, etc. by letting them graze the leaves and then eat the root out of the ground. Farmers around here have told me about people doing it, but it always seems to be a case of 'my buddy heard from this guy he heard that guy was doing that' and I can't seem to talk to anyone who actually has experience with that sort of feeding system. Google has also failed me.
I'm wondering how well sheep would do on roots alone, or what sort of other supplement they need to make it a good source of feed. Do they dig down and eat it out of the ground well? Would they dig through snow to eat them if I left the tops as guides? Any information would be great! Thanks!
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Willow Feeder movie