Tyler August wrote:
Dale Hodgins wrote: I have traveled to many of the sorts of places where this land is available. There are residency requirements and development requirements. I've also checked out lots of land which was selling for between $15 and $100 per acre. There were very good reasons for this cheap price and I ended up buying land in a more hospitable climate where people live. The $15 per acre stuff was north of Sudbury Ontario. It was clear-cut black spruce and Aspen. In that climate it takes about 75 years to get any useful stand of forest. The land tax over time ends up costing considerably more than the original purchase price. I'm a Canadian and have been to every province and have never encountered any free land which was worth owning.
A century ago there were great opportunities for free land, then the government thought it would be a good idea to create northern development through land giveaways. Distance and climate have kept most of these communities from thriving.
To see just how far governments will go to create development in inhospitable climates check out what the Soviet Union managed to do in Siberia. They moved hundreds of thousands of people into some horrible spots. Today the offspring of these people invariably head south.
... how far north of Sudbury? Timmins? Kapuskasing? Spruce and Aspen might be further north still. It sure doesn't seem to take 75 years for pine in the Sudbury area to get nice and pulpable again.
One of my grandfathers tried to make a go of it in Kap; I don't know what his full agricultural ambitions were but I do know it never went past hobby farm. My other grandfather in Kirkland Lake has one of the lushest gardens I've seen anywhere in the province. Maybe it's a matter of perspective, or maybe it's just way further north than I'm thinking (Moose factory?) but man. 15$/acre? Seriously?
peter mukunda wrote:I often get very frustrated by the land situation, made even more ironic in a country like Canada - a vast place with a relatively low population. Basically, we should all be given some land, IMO. And there should be limits on how much rich people can grab. Should money be the main consideration in whether and how much land we can acquire? I think not. Land policies need much improvement!!!
Basically, the gov grabbed all the land in the beginning, immorally, through force and violence. It gave some to new immigrants and imprisoned Natives on reserves. Now, no more free land for anyone. No squatting or staking or cheap buys. The gov still owns incredibly vast amounts of land to this day, which we call Crown Land. But to get a good piece of land in a location one desires by any means is costly.
Us low income folks are therefore forced to live on the bad side of town often, the affordable side, or we are on a troubled Indian reservation, or some other undesirable situation. Yet, this country is so BIG! That's my frustration. Some pencil-pushers somewhere restrict me from living in a good place for no good reason, while the land goes unused, or sold to people who abuse it, or just have more money.
Those who would live gently and beautifully and appreciatively on the land often can't. I don't know how to change this. I can agitate, but it looks like it will take a while before this has much effect.
Fortunately, I think economies everywhere including here are about to crash, so I think there will be a lot of cheap land around soon. Probably also a lot of gov officials who have much more urgent things to do than find and kick survival squatters off Crown Land. However, the insecurity of squatting is still much less preferable than having a piece of paper which says you can remain.
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Stephanie Walker wrote:i am A born Canadian in British Columbia all my life. My question is, can I squat on an Island on BC west coast that is crown land and own it after a year? if not how can I get an island (crown land) free, or do you have to buy it now? I just want to get away for good, be self-sufficient and built a nice get away cottage with a dock for my parents and sister. I know one that has a half moon bay for a boat n dock area. its perfect.
-Stephanie the Kidd lol
Craig Lewis
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