depends on how thawed it all is and how long it's been that way....if a neighbor has some room in a freezer I would tend to take the stuff that is most expensive to replace and refreeze it if it still has any ice crystals left in it, or , if you know this just happened overnight, even if it is still really cold. The quality will go down a little but better than tossing it out.
If that isn't an option, look at what spoils the fastest and just cook everything you can in that order..meat for example will keep in the fridge for a day or so even if thawed and if then cooked will give you a few more days. I have cooked peas/beans/corn etc that were thawed for a couple of days without any problem but it isn't recommended and I wouldn't use spinach or mushrooms that way. I wouldn't cook fish that had been thawed for any length of time, it spoils really fast.
Chicken also needs to be cooked if it thaws, salmonella is a real threat there.
If you are anywhere near a place that sells dry ice then you could get some of that and pack anything to be refrozen in a lined box with a little dry ice..I once moved from Connecticut to New Haven with meat well wrapped in
newspaper and packed with some dry ice in the boxes and after 5 days it was still frozen solid. It didn't even take that much but the boxes were well sealed.
Otherwise..perhaps a big party? Then everyone you invite will have some incentive to invite your family to dinner sometime so it'll all even out....If that isn't an option either, and the stuff is just thawed overnight, then maybe check in with your local
shelter for abused women or street people...they are often very grateful for donations as they are always scraping for money and at least nothing will be wasted. Food banks generally only want nonperishable stuff.
Ice boxes in my
experience are ok for very short term..sort of like coolers. You will likely end up spending a lot on ice to say nothing of the cost of having to go get it. IMO they certainly cannot begin to replace a freezer. (unless you are talking about something like an ice HOUSE and to a) build it and b) buy the ice to set that up at this time of year boggles the mind.) You might check out the
thread on these forums somewhere about the guy who made a cheese cooler with an air conditioner though, that might work for you as a fridge, anyway.
No chance the thing got unplugged or the breaker got tripped is there?